What gorgeous London lacks in height, she more than makes up for with her heart and fighting ability and this was yet another example of that.
She faced off against the beauty that is Ivy Rain, who towered above the blonde in what - to the uninitiated - would look like a mismatch in the first ever meeting between the two grapplers.
But immediately, we saw just exactly how much power London possesses when she imposed herself on the bigger girl and pinned her down to the mats before securing the first submission in her favour.

Things didn’t get any easier for Ivy Rain as London pounced on her again and got to work with a head lock and scissors combination. Ivy did all she could to resist but London had her locked in good and that was enough to double her advantage!
But if London thought she was going to be in for an easy ride against her less experienced opponent, she was given a rude awakening when Ivy put her ample breasts to good use to smother the blonde!
More submissions were exchanged soon after with London executing the perfect cross body pin and then Ivy putting those incredible breasts to great use again (combined with a grapevine too for added effect!).

This really set the rest of the match up as these two beauties gave it their all, looking to exert their authority over one another and show who the better woman is.
There were a lot more grapevine pins, breasts smothers, reverse head scissors, body scissors as the two fought and wrestled all over the mats.
Sure enough, one girl took total control of his match and racked up an impressive number of submissions to claim a well-deserved victory. But the real winners are anyone who gets to watch this because Ivy Rain and London are as hot as they are strong!